Sadly, the public could only hear some reactive responses to such incidents which were frequently not followed up to an adequate preventions of recurrences. The related agencies only made their best efforts to deny of being responsible for such cases by making statements on TV's with innocent faces, and point their fingers to others.
In the most recent incident in Situ Gintung for example, one of BPPT official revealed on a TVinterview that they have predicted this incidnet could happen and has informed another agency. He just wanted to show that he's done something about it, but he seems to satisfy and stop there, without feeling responsible to do more and make sure all actions are taken to prevent losses of life.
I really wish that who ever rule this country in the next 5 years shall have a sense of urgency in public safety and have a courage to make a revolutionary changes in public safety management in the government system.
How do we start?
First, by realizing that this is not an easy task, will take long time and may go through a very painfull process, but it is absoluletly achievable!!
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